  • Aquismart Business Services
  • Business Consulting
  • Employee Solutions
  • Human Capital Services

Turnaround Management

Aquismart has been successful in the turnaround of business at the following companies by utilising its proven PERFORM process of improvement:

  • Gold One
  • Cooke operations
  • Debeers
  • Namdeb

Financial Management

Aquismart focuses on providing effective and efficient financial management services to our clients. The company employs highly skilled consultants and contractors in the financial management field that are available in assisting clients in the following areas:

  • Interim management while the client is looking for suitable candidates to take up the position.
  • Training of financial management skills
  • Structuring of financial departments
  • Process analysis and refinements
  • Financial function – performance management systems
  • Services transformation

Management Information

One of the most critical success criteria for financial management is the provision of accurate and timeous information to internal and external stakeholders of a business/company. Through the vast financial management experience in Aquismart, we understand the importance of value adding information. We therefore are able to assist our clients in:

  • Chart of accounts – setup or restructuring the chart of accounts so that it can facilitate decision making and accounting requirements.
  • Information systems – evaluate and refine information systems in order to provide on time and factual information for decision making.
  • Business rhythm – assist with the introduction of a business rhythm in the company that will be effective and efficient. The areas that we address in the business rhythm are:
    • Short interval controls;
    • Daily reporting;
    • Weekly forecasting;
    • Monthly review systems;
    • Quarterly analysis; and
    • Annual reporting
  • Data management – assist the client with the management of their data and converting data to information.

Internal Audits

Aquismart employs consultants that have completed their articles and are available to assist companies with internal audits. Due to this skills base the company focuses on internal audits that will add value to the performance of the company and its employees in the following areas:

  • Incentive schemes/bonuses.
  • Payroll.
  • Supply chain.
  • Information systems.
  • Financial accounting.
  • Management accounting.
  • Risk management reporting.

Aquismart believes that internal audits should not only provide the company with the internal control issues, but should provide the company with the most cost effective and efficient solution. Aquismart assists companies in solving their internal control issues.

Supply Chain Management

Aquismart not only understands the intrigues of an effective supply chain, but also understands the benefits that a company can get from an effective supply of goods and services.  Aquismart employs consultants that have not only been working in the supply chain environment, but have also worked in general supply chain management.  Aquismart focuses on the following areas to ensure an effective and efficient supply chain for the company both locally and/or international:

  • Purchasing processes and controls – local and international
  • Stock management
  • Cost of stock holding
  • Distribution
  • Standards and norms